June 2020
The Four Streets Project in Chichester was founded in early 2016 when Donna Ockenden and her two daughters moved to live in the heart of Chichester. They couldn’t walk by and see homeless and hungry people on the streets of Chichester without doing something. Their work was formalised at the beginning of 2017 when they were joined by a number of like minded local residents and The Four Streets Project was officially ‘born.’
Fast forward to the beginning of 2020 – the start of the Four Streets Projects 5th year of operation. There are now around 35 local volunteers and since the beginning of 2017 this amazing team of volunteers led by Donna have never missed a night.
With the Coronavirus situation becoming more serious in February the volunteers first introduced enhanced hygiene procedures but soon this was not enough. In early March it was clear that a completely new approach would be needed in order that volunteers and the homeless were kept safe and The Four Streets Project could maintain its commitment to ‘never missing a night.’
The Four Streets Project has always had a very good relationship with all of the churches across Chichester although it is not a church or faith based group. St Pancras Church was also looking at how it could safely operate their regular ‘breakfast club’ ensuring that all Government safety guidance around hygiene and social distancing was adhered to. Ideas were pooled & in the 2nd week of March The Four Streets Project started a 7 day a week, socially distanced and take away hot supper club for the homeless & vulnerable based at St Pancras Church.
Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic the Four Streets Project has operated every night from St Pancras Church and fed increasing numbers of hungry and vulnerable people. On a typical night we now expect to see 30 or more people needing a hot takeaway dinner. We have had to quickly adapt our processes on an ongoing basis because so many of our long term suppliers have had to close their doors. However our volunteers are a fabulous team who adapt to change quickly and are incredibly proud of everything we do….